In the region of Shiselweni are currently 87 NCPs (= Neighbourhood Carepoints) with numerous investments and activities. Click the points in the map or chose a NCP in the list below to see more detailed information.


Shonkweni Facts

GPS coordinates -27,1560951 / 31,5623753
Altitude 537 m
Inkundla Hosea
Chiefdom Lushini
Community Lushini/Malunguza
Number of children
as of 05.08.2020
28 girls, 13 boys
(Income Generating Activities)

There is a sponsorship for the Shonkweni NCP by Dörte Scheffner.

Chronology of important activities

  • October 2021: Donation of food to all NCPs
  • October 2021: Overalls donated to all caregivers
  • August 2021: Donation of food from the Rotary Club for all NCPs
  • July 2021: Donation of winter clothes for 34 children, 15 girls and 19 boys
  • July 2021: 9 chicken sold about E 450 (approx. 23 Euro)
  • December 2020: Distribution of Caregivers Christmas hampers
  • December 2020: Business mentorship
  • December 2020: Shonkweni received E 3,650 (approx. 183 Euro) from selling 14 piglets and 2 pigs.
  • November 2020: 270 Dolls are distributed for 87 NCPs. Each NCP gets three dolls. Those are ment to train social skills by playing.
  • June 2020: General NCP monitoring about the support during the Corona pandemic
  • November 2019: Visit of Mobile Clinic
  • July 2019: Renovation and new branding LITSEMBA
  • May 2019: Visit of Mobile Clinic
  • January 2019: New ECCE learning material and toys for the NCP
  • January 2019: Monitoring about the IGA “Indigenous chickens” for the NCPs Mazipheni, Shonkweni, Ngozi and KaMabuza. Chickens are not yet ready for sale yet.

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