10 years THOMAS ENGEL-Foundation
The mission of the THOMAS ENGEL-Foundation is to support children and young people in need by offering primary medical care services, education and culture. The foundation has been active for ten years.
A detailed article was published in the “Journal am Wochenende” in the Fuldaer Zeitung.
When Thomas Engel was diagnosed with cancer and it became clear that he would not win the battle against this disease, his father, Ernst Engel made a life changing decision. He sold his company in order to spend more time with his son and shortly after that he noticed that there was more money available than needed. That is what Ernst Engel said in an interview with our newspaper. Together with his wife Ingrid Engel, Mr. Engel decided to start a foundation in his son’s name. However, this foundation would have nothing to do with cancer but instead, to support children. “My son held the opinion that there was enough money for the research on cancer.” Thomas Engel died on May 25th, 2008 at the age of 36.