united help for children
The work of THOMAS ENGEL-Foundation increases as does the number of people working for it on a voluntary basis. The entity which gives any foundation legal justice and makes sure it can work is the board of directors. It is responsible for the entire work of the foundation. In case of THOMAS ENGEL-Foundation the board is made up of three members: the chairman of the board and two representatives.
The board is supported and advised by the advisory council which consists of the first chairmen of the two booster clubs. They are referred to as “born members”.
In addition, there are further people working for THOMAS ENGEL-Foundation. Some of them are also a member of the booster clubs. Thus, two members of Freunde der THOMAS ENGEL-Stiftung Fulda e. V. take care of social media, for instance.
Ernst Engel
Executive Director
Phone: 0661-9015338
Mail: ernst.engel@thomasengel-stiftung.org

„As one of the founders of THOMAS ENGEL foundation it goes without saying why I work for it. Despite my age I am still absolutely ambitious and convinced that the work of the foundation is necessary and makes sense.”
Bettina Haubner
Deputy Executive Director
Phone: 06771-599868
Mail: bettina.haubner@thomasengel-stiftung.org

Finances. „When Mr. Engel asked me in 2008 if I wanted to join the foundation a dream came true. As a teenager I always wanted to become a development worker. And we agreed quickly on the target group which we wanted to support – children in the poorest countries of the world.
Jaime Garcia
Deputy Executive Director
Phone: +593-96 82 63 448
Mail: brook1904@icloud.com

Aid projects above all in Ecuador. “I started supporting TES in Ecuador here in Ecuador in 2009. Actually I only wanted to support my brother-in-law. Back then we were still living in the USA and I had a challenging job. In the course of the next years I carried out a number of small projects while being on holiday in Ecuador. After we had travelled to eSwatini together for the first time in 2015, I was completely convinced of the work and enthusiastic about it. The faces and stories of the children is something you cannot forget about. Now I am retired and have been living in Ecuador for one year. I hope that living there I can support TES even better.”
Advisory Council
Ingrid Britz-Averkamp
Advisory council
Phone: will follow
Mail: will follow

"Als ich vom Engagement von Ernst Engel und seiner Stiftung hörte, war ich gleich beeindruckt. Die Hilfsarbeit für bedürftige Kinder speziell im armen Süden Eswatinis baut auf einem bewährten mehrstufigen Konzept auf: feste Gebäude, warme Mahlzeiten, Vorschulunterricht, medizinische Betreuung plus Förderung der Selbstversorgung. Das Projekt hat in den letzten 15 Jahren über 10.000 Kindern, meist Aids-Waisen, zur Schulbildung verholfen – und ihnen damit eine Zukunft gegeben! Das ist wahre Nachhaltigkeit und ,Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe‘.”
Stephanie Müller-Trost
Advisory council
Phone: will follow
Mail: will follow

„Nach einer Projektreise 2022 nach Eswatini wurde mir klar, dass die Thomas Engel Stiftung der richtige Ort ist, um mich persönlich in Afrika einzubringen. Die Ernsthaftigkeit und Beständigkeit, mit der Projekte professionell durchgeführt werden, die Transparenz und Überprüfbarkeit, und besonders die Menschen, die sich hierfür stark machen - in den Projektländern wie auch in Deutschland -, beeindrucken und begeistern mich. Fundiertes Wissen über Land und Leute, vor allen Dingen aber die emotionale Verbundenheit eines jeden Mitarbeiters der Thomas Engel Stiftung zu Kindern und Familien in schwierig auszuhaltenden Lebenssituationen zeigt mir, dass ich hier richtig bin.”
Dr. Barbara Jörg
Advisory council
Phone: will follow
Mail: will follow

„I have always supported the work of my aunt Sr. Antonia Jörg donating money. She worked as a nun-nurse in Mozambique. After she had died I was looking for a similar project and got to know THOMAS ENGEL foundation where there is also a key personality coordinating all the work. Ernst Engel, one of the founders, is really someone you can trust as he does not only show wholeheartedly commitment but also has got the required skills. Thus, he has got precious experience from the economic world which I consider very important and necessary. All this is just simply absolutely convincing!”
Jan Menzel
Advisory council
Phone: 06772-95156
Mail: jan.menzel@freunde-tes.de

“When I founded the booster club in Nastätten in 2013 this was quite a special moment and something I did being well-aware of supporting the projects of the foundation in the name of our children. Until today this moment remains a current topic and is still of great importance.”
Rüdiger Gries
Advisory council
Phone: will follow
Mail: will follow

„Die Familie Engel ist mir durch meine frühere Tätigkeit bereits seit 1993 bekannt. Meine Familie und ich unterstützen die Thomas Engel Stiftung seit vielen Jahren. Bei meiner Tätigkeit für die Thomas Engel Stiftung geht es mir vor allem darum das Leid und die Not der Kinder und Jugendlichen zu lindern und Ihnen eine Perspektive zu vermitteln. Mit meiner Mithilfe möchte ich einen weiteren kleinen Beitrag dazu leisten. Dabei liegt mir der Zugang zu Bildung für die Kinder besonders am Herzen. Jeden Tag zu schätzen, wie gut es einem und der Familie geht, ist mir sehr wichtig.”
Further Supporters
Agnes Engel
Public relations
Phone: 0171 9198067
Mail: agnes-engel@inbox.lv

„I am the daughter of THOMAS ENGEL who gave name to the foundation. I am also the granddaughter of the founders. That’s why I consider it my duty to support the work of the foundation. However, I also like this work and I am convinced of it. At present time I am dealing with social media, above all Instagram.”